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Prices (US)

Prices Forcheck V14

platform single user three users multi user site
PC/Windows $ 665     $ 2,327
PC/Linux $ 770 $ 1,540 $ 2,310 $ 3,080

FORCHECK licenses are not floating. The total number of persons using the software determines the license fee.

Academic institutes qualify for a 30% discount for educational usage.

You also can rent Forcheck for a subscription rate of 20% per year. When renting, additional maintenance is obligatory.

You can enter a maintenance agreement. Maintenance is 20% of the full license fee per year. You receive email support and free updates.

For customers with a maintenance agreement updates are free. For all others updates from previous versions of the same platform (before V14) costs 50% of the full license fee. Updates from a previous release of V14 of the same platform costs 40% of the full license fee.

Prices are in US dollars, exclusive local tax. Price changes reserved. No shipment costs. The prices in US dollars are only applicable to US customers. For all other customers the euro pricelist is applicable.

Purchase orders for the US can be send to the following distributor:

Codework Inc.
1623 Military Rd # 556
Niagara Falls
NY 14304
Phone: 613-368-4300
Fax: 866-929-9808
Email: [email protected]
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